The State of South Carolina is in a MAJOR budget crunch. Over the last 3 years, we have seen the legislators decrease public school funding. With the proposed budget for the upcoming year, we are looking at funding cost per student at the 1995 rate. Wow. That's scary. We are looking at cutting several programs, furloughing teachers/administrators, and positions/teachers in our district.
The citizens of SC need to wake up and learn what the lawmakers are doing. We have a crazy tax system in our state. We need a major overhaul.
One of the things that I am most upset about the district cutting is the c-team sports programs. This would mean that all middle school sports would be cut. Why does this upset me? Well I have a vested interest-Rebecca. I think that middle school children are trying to find themselves and what better way to do that than with extra curricular activities. I think the district is setting the children up for failure. I think we will see an increase in children making poor decisions about after school activities with no sports to practice/play for. I think we will have a decline in grades. They won't have something to work towards. Don't get me wrong. Education is the MOST important thing. They should be making good grades because that is what they are ultimately at school for. Realistically, sports is what makes many of these children take pride in what they do. I think we need to develop the whole child.
The savings for cutting c-team sports- a little over $50,000. In the big scheme of things-that is just a drop in the bucket in relationship to the over all budget. The $50,000 covers the coaching stipends for 6 schools.
My suggestions? I have actually sent them in to our district office. I hope others are voicing their concerns/suggestions so that we can keep our c-team sports.
1. Ask the coaches if they are willing to coach with no stipend. Maybe offer renewal credits for their teaching certificate instead.
2. Furlough the teachers 2 days instead of 1. This would save over $500,000. This would save a few of the programs they want to cut.
3. Do away with B-team sports at the high school level. They already have JV and Varsity sports. B-team is usually for 9th graders. Those children could play for JV and c-team could stay intact.
I don't know what the outcome will be. I am exercising my right to voice my opinion and fight for what I think is in the best interest of the children.
If you are interested in more details you can go to this
site and read more about it.
You can also email any suggestions you might have to:
Thanks for letting me vent. I am really concerned for our teenagers.