Thursday, May 1, 2008

A Star of the Walk of Fame

Miss Respectful

Our school has implemented a special program to recognize children that follow the 3 school rules. Each month one of the rules is emphasized. Each class votes for a student that they feel exemplifies the rule. For the month of April, our rule was Being Respectful. We are proud to announce that Rebecca was selected by her peers to be the class recipient of the award. She was honored, along with the other fifth grade recipients, at lunch today. Each child was presented a star that will be displayed on a "Walk of Fame". It is a spin off of the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

We are very proud of Rebecca and look forward to her demonstrating this rule at home!!

The Fifth Grade Recipients

Rebecca and the guidance counselor

The happy family


Pamelia said...

That is a GREAT compliment, Congratulations, Rebecca!!!!

Unknown said...

Yay, Rebecca!

Amanda said...

If you get her to do the same at home as she does at school, please let me know. I'm still working on that one.

Kudos to Rebecca!