Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Projects and Awards

The last week of school was a busy one in the Liles' house. I was busy finishing up end of the year paper work, packing up my classroom(I get to move into a BIG room for next year.), and trying to survive with 22 very excited 5/6 year olds. Eric had pneumonia all week and was at home running a fever for 4 days. Rebecca had a project to present and awards day. I was able to leave during my school day and attend both things. I love being able to go and see what she is doing at the middle school.

Her presentation was in social studies. They did all of the work at school on the photostory, so I didn't even know what she had done. I was very proud of her for going above and beyond what was required. She wound up doing a photostory, a postcard, and a game. Her social studies grade was riding on this project. I am happy to say that she made a 97 on the project and a B in the class. We were sweating that one.

Teaching Us How To Play The Game

The 6th grade award's ceremony was held on Thursday. She received an award for making A/B honor roll all year long. Along with the certificate, they were given a medal too. I joked with the adults around me saying the medal was mine for all we endured this year.

Her 6th Grade Teachers

Rebecca receiving her award

It was a big adjustment for all of us this year. Rebecca was in all accelerated classes. Science and social studies were a struggle for her. She did great on projects, labs, and class work. I'm afraid she's like her momma when it comes to testing. It just doesn't come easily to her. She knows what to do (after MUCH trial and error) to study for a test and do well on it. We hope that next year will be easier for her since she now knows what needs to be done to succeed.

Having said all of that, she did AWESOME in sixth grade. I'm very proud of her. Not only did she do well with grades, she kept a good head on her shoulders. She was not swayed to do what the "in" crowd was doing. She made her own decisions. I pray that trend continues.
Ready for 7th Grade
Rebecca, Lexi, and Hannah