Monday, September 29, 2008

3rd Trip's A Charm

Eric and I have kept Lexington Medical Center in business this past month. Eric went to the ER with back pain so bad he could hardly walk. Then, I though I was having a heart attack. After a trip to the ER, I found out I was o.k. Last Monday, Eric was coming down our stairs and decided to slip down 7 of them and hit the dog gate at the bottom of the stairs. He somehow cut his foot on the dog gate. I took him to urgent care where he proceeded to get 4 stiches under his toe. I told him that our family was done with the emergency room.

Preparing for a tetnus shot

The Suture Tray

All Stitched Up

The Lovely New Boot


Pamelia said...

I hope that Eric is feeling better. Y'all need to be careful!