Friday, January 2, 2009

New Years Eve Project

Eric and I have had a joke going since the very first new year's eve we spent in Lexington. We remodeled our house before we moved in. Eric went after work every day and painted walls, windows, and trim. We didn't have everything quite like we wanted it when we moved in at the end of October. However, Eric was burned out. I didn't say anything because he had really been working hard to get done what he was able to do. Fast forward to new year's eve. We're staying at home(as ususal). I get a wild hair that it's time to scrape the paint off the windows and finish painting the trim a second coat. This wild hair hit me around 11:30p.m. I got Eric up and by the end of the weekend, we had finished.

Every new year's eve since then, he asks me what kind of project I want him to do. It has become a major conversation piece. This year was no exception. Only he didn't ask what I wanted done, he chose what to do. My mom gave us a motion detector light to hang in the garage that will tell us when to stop. Eric went out and put it up all by himself. And so...the saga continues.

Happy New Year, Eric. You're the best!