Sunday, November 29, 2009


We are thankful for so many things this year. Family is one of those things. We enjoyed traveling to see both sides of the family. The first leg of the trip was to visit Donna. As usual, she had a house full of family come and eat for Thanksgiving dinner. Eric fried 3 turkeys and one chicken. They were delicious. It was great to see his aunts, uncles, and cousins.

That morning, Rebecca decided she wanted me to do a photo shoot of her. We went outside and played around. She had a great time. Here are a few of my favorites:

We left Donna's on Friday and traveled to Knoxville. I enjoyed eating dinner with my parents, my cousin, and her two children. On Saturday, my parents treated us to a trip to see the Lady Vols play basketball. They took us on a tour around the arena. It was cool to see the history of basketball at UT. One person I loved seeing hanging from a banner was Cindy Brogdon. She wound up coaching at my high school after playing in the olympics. The Lady Vols didn't play their best, but they did go on to beat UCLA. Here are a few highlights from the game.

While it's always nice to visit family, it sure is nice to come back home.


Ashlee said...

The arena is really nice! I think my brother could put it as his permanent address these days :)