Thursday, September 20, 2007

What Was He Thinking?

We were at Target tonight. While I was getting a prescription refilled, Eric and Rebecca found their way back to the Halloween costume isle. I made my way to the back and was looking at Halloween treats for my class when I heard them goofing off. I went on a hunt. When I went around the corner, this is what I saw:

(It's not the best photo because I only had my camera phone.)

He also had on big, black gorilla gloves. He had just put his hands over Rebecca's eyes to scare her. Now we know what he would look like if he had any hair.

Then he thought he would be a bee and try to sting us. Unfortunately, there wasn't a stinger on the costume.

Doesn't he make a cute bumble bee?

You've gotta love my husband. He's one of a kind.


Anonymous said...

Too funny! Love the hair!

Pamelia said...

These are funny pictures of Eric. He looks like he is having fun. Kelli that was Landon and Rebecca running around in their underwear, not Logan. I'm sure that is what you meant.

Pamelia said...

These are funny pictures of Eric. He looks like he is having fun. Kelli that was Landon and Rebecca running around in their underwear, not Logan. I'm sure that is what you meant.